A Simple Organized Holiday Survival Plan

Christmas is December 25th every year.  Never changes.  Has been this date since 336!!!  (Fun fact)

santa-chaosSo why is everyone stressed and scrambling this time of year to get everything done for the BIG day?  As a Professional Organizer, I find lack of planning the culprit here.  Have no fear!  With only a few weeks to go here are some quick tips to keep you organized and stress free:

  1.  Lists are your friends. Purchase a small notebook and jot everything down.  From gifts purchased to gifts yet to buy, menus, recipes and simple “to-dos”.  If corralled in an organized notebook that goes with you everywhere, nothing will get lost and nothing will be forgotten.
  2. Keep all Christmas related receipts in one envelope.  This will help when balancing your budget and will also make after holiday returns a snap. Make it a habit to empty your purse and wallet daily of these loose papers to keep organized.
  3. Do not file away coupons this time of year.  Organize store coupons into an envelope or zip lock bag and keep in your purse or in your car at all times.  If you happen to pass a store (not on your list) at least you will be prepared for money-saving deals.
  4. Plan Plan Plan! From holiday outfits to holiday meals everything should be thought out and written down.  Once you create an organized plan, you can easily create to do lists and lists of items to buy so there is no last-minute panicking.

Now that you are calm and relaxed, you can sit back, relax and toast to a Happy Holiday and a Healthy New Year.  Cheers!!!martini-toast

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